Friday, March 24, 2006

Africa Movies to see

Hopefully you've seen these already but I thought I'd suggest a couple of "recent" Africa movies you might want to see.

Hotel Rwanda: Less gore than you might think but still a pretty intense movie. I think the genocide that took place there will eventually come to mean more to world history than what we traditionally think of as THE Holocaust. After the European event, the world made sure that such a slaughter would never, could never happen again. Rwanda showed that the world was wrong.

Lord of War: Nicholas Cage as a weapons dealer. Not just about Africa but it certainly gives a lot of insight as to why/how those African conflicts are able to continue in countries where the average person can barely buy enough to feed and cover themselves. How can they afford guns? This explains it.

The Constant Gardener: The best of the three movies listed here. Rachel Wiesz and Ralph Fines (sp?). Beautifully shot. Great insight. Amazing character development. And, of course, that beautiful woman from the Mummy movies acting alongside Lord Voldemort. See this movie before you go to Kenya. It will either break your heart or make you desparate to go.

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