Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New name???

Every few years I find myself searching for, or getting, a new name. I was Jon-Jon when I was little. I took on the short-lived Bob in gradeschool. Juan (say it quickly along with my last name and you may get the sixth grade quality joke) was ironed on to a souvenir t-shirt. In college I took on the more "adult" Jonathan. Kenya, I was Ekai meaning "house," due to my relational size. A certain significant someone who just turned 30 would occasionally simply refer to me as Boy. @ started out calling me something sounding a lot like Doggie. In our last permanent home I was Mr. Yonatan. And now it is time for yet another change.

But not for me.

I need a new name for this blog. Geographically, it won't make sense soon. I need something not bound by location. Unique, but not so much that it looks like I'm trying too hard. Easy to remember. Short. Normal spelling. No punctuation. Somehow connected to who I am but without offering too many incriminating details.


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