Thursday, April 13, 2006

What if Indonesia...

What if Indonesia is just one giant Chinese restaurant? That's what I dreamed last night. I was in Asmara's world famous China Star restaurant and went out through those back doors I'd never had to resort to using (they lead to the bathroom and since there are only about a half-dozen public toilets I'd willingly use in all of Africa...). On the other side was a huge generic version of every American Chinese buffet but instead of food, society was available for the grazing. It was a smorgasborg of life. There were markets in one nook, what appeared to be a United Nations Meeting in another, people having their Easter Church services, an old man and his grandson fishing in the koi pond/bowl, a wedding (red-dressed bride no less) near the mall entrance...It was amazing. All you can experience for only $4.95.

Sorry, beverage not included. Ribeye and lobster only available on the Sunday buffett.


Anonymous said...

It's as I feared:

Fatherhood has made you C-R-A-Z-Y.

Gretchen Magruder said...

wow. Very...interesting.....