Monday, May 07, 2007


This is not the post I was planning for. I had a draft all but ready to go talking about the Willy Loman, Ed Carpolotti sin of failure. About how for men there is a sin that is worse than any other...grieve, grieve, grieve etc.

But I passed! The professors did talk about how the paper could have been better and that there were certainly weaker areas in it than there should have been but that I defended well and showed "a mastery of the subject" so they agreed. Talking through it, the paper made a lot more sense and was a lot better than what was actually on the page. If I could have only done an NPR thesis, I would have rocked!

Part of Amanda's peptalk this evening was that this is what Amanda and I have been doing since getting married. We answer questions from left-field that have a vague connection to what we do or where we've been. Our job is to sound intelligent and answer, even if it isn't really the answer to that question. Add to that the genetic trait of being able to talk about virtually anything to anyone...

By now Barry is finishing up the legwork of getting the right versions of the the right forms to the right people. Amanda is asleep. I am a bit buzzed.

Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement. I know that I've had several enteries that showed how much of a funk I'd been living in recently but from now on, nothing but sarcasm and poor attempts at humor.

And now that it's official, I'm going to include a lot more grammatical mistakes...just because I can and I can say it is an educated choice.



Brent said...

Great job!!! Shall we call you "Master" now?

Gretchen Magruder said...


Jake T said...


Tanya said...

wooo hooo, too! So, silly question perhaps, but just WHAT is the topic of your thesis?!

Steph H. said...

congrats . . . I'm raising my glass to you right now . . . i mean in a hypothetical, cyber kind of way.