Saturday, October 07, 2006

One step forward...

For the last several weeks, I have been writing. A lot. That thesis that should have been finished nearly a decade ago is progressing and regressing at remarkable speeds. Some days I will write nearly three hours worth of material, only to edit it down by a third. And while I realize I shouldn't be so self-critical, it's tough not to when I reread errors in logic or see that the rabbit chase I just went on really has nothing to do with Ngugi - the subject of my research.

At the same time, I'm really enjoying it. The ideas, too topic-specific to bore you with here, are stretching me. They are also spilling over to my own feelings of Elsewhere and Africa as a whole. I find myself moving back and forth from a "western culture is horrible" to "yeah, but not everything/one who travels to Africa is negative".

This, and hearing about some of our friends being kicked out of Elsewhere, has really crept into my dreams. I'm in one of those phases where I wake up sometimes more mentally and emotionally exhausted than when I went to bed. But it's a good kind of exhaustion. It's usually cathartic and sometimes even valuable for my paper. This can spur me on a bit to actually want to write more. What this also means is that I can't spend quite as much time with @ as I'd like to.

The boy is really becoming quite fun. He pottied using his chair for the first time the other day. He's developing a real sense of humor. He is finally using some basic sentences - even if his vocabulary is a combination of real and his own words (he doesn't use "farm," but "EIO" and "I'm sorry" is conveyed by stroking to arm of whomever he hurt and repeating "nice"). Hopefully, I'll have my work finished by Thanksgiving so I can spend some American time with him.

We're still looking at a move to Asia in late January.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

writing is good.