Thursday, August 17, 2006


So much of the great times in my life have involved tennis. I really can't remember much of my grandpa Tony without thinking of him on a court. Even when there weren't toys when we visited relatives, we wouldn't be bored as long as there was a court near by.

I can't remember the names of most of my gradeschool teachers but I can remember most of the names of my tennis rackets. Jack Kramer, the Weed, the Urge. (I always tried to avoid the Everett.) Trying Gretch's "composite" or Dad's new aluminum one. The old rackets with the screw on braces that were supposed to prevent them from warping. The new Prince just lacks the character of the old wooden ones

As a family, the sport was one of those things that connected us. Even when Ben and then Pete were too tall for me to really play basketball against them, we could get out on the courts and play. Ben's spins confused me for years.

In gradeschool, I first really felt independent biking off to BHS for lessons during the summer. In highschool, Scott Noth and I would play a couple of sets before walking to Hucks for a Big Gulp and wasting a dollar in quarters playing Bad Dudes. Then there was the summer when Aaron Bird and I played tennis or racquetball almost everyday.

Finally I'm healthy enough to play again. Just getting out and hitting with Barry at the Carmen courts the other day was great.


Steph H. said...

Josh and I played tennis a few weeks ago for the first time in about 4 years. It was great fun. Thanks for the free tennis lessons in college!

Ironboar1972 said...

We wasted "a dollar" of quarters playing Bad Dudes?! Is was more like 5 dollars each. Those quarters were stacked up all over the place.

It was amazing to find your journal on the internet. I've only glanced through a little bit so far -- quite an adventure.

I'm married and I have two children. Iris is 3-years old. Oliver is about 6 months old. We are living north of Heyworth. I work as an Assistant State's Attorney in Decatur, Macon County. Scarlett, my wife, works as an optometrist.

My email is

It's great to learn about old friends!

Scott Noth